Data Structures and Algorithms¶
Heap Memory¶
- Heap Memory is different from Heap data type. Here, heap means a simply a pile of memory space available for programmers to allocate and deallocate.
- Memory in Heap takes time to access.
- The reference to heap memory on generation is stored in Stack Memory.
- Data is visible to all the threads here, so it can be changed by some other process which is risky.
- De-Allocation is not automatic and thus needs to be performed manually everytime.
Accessing Heap¶
- Heap can be accessed using malloc() function or
new operator. Though, keep in mind that the return
types are different for each.
- malloc() returns a null pointer and hence needs to be converted to suitable data type.
- new operator returns the pointer of exact data type and needs to be stored accordingly.
Allocating Memory in Heap¶
How to store pointer to an array with 5 elements in heap - malloc() function:
- new operator
int *p = new int[5];
In both cases, though the data is stored in heap, the pointer is
allocated in the stack memory for easy access.
**Create a pointer to a *struct* in a heap**
#include <iostream>#include<stdlib.h>using namespace std;struct Rectangle{ int length; int breadth;};int main(){ struct Rectangle *ptr = (struct Rectangle*)malloc(sizeof(struct Rectangle)); ptr->length = 10; ptr->breadth = 15; printf("Length: %d\nBreadth: %d",ptr->length, ptr->breadth); return 0;}
References in C++¶
Referencing is the method of providing multiple names to a single memory cell/data. This is essential when building small function where pointers are not that essential. Referencing can be done by:
Assume that Address of a is 200/201. When we reference r to a, now the address of r is also 200/201. This means that the same block of memory has multiple names to access it. All the data manipulation methods work on the referenced block as original.
Abstract Data Type¶
Abstract Data type (ADT) is a type (or class) for objects whose behavior is defined by a set of values and a set of operations.
E.g. Adding the functionality of pop(), push() can convert the linked list to either a stack or a queue data type.
Physical Data Structures¶
Physical data structures are the actual implementations of data structures in memory. They determine the performance and efficiency of algorithms that use the data structure, by determining how the data is stored and accessed in memory.
Types: - Arrays - Linked Lists
Logical Data Structures¶
Logical Data Structures use the process of storing physical data structures in memory and perform various operation to optimize time or memory.
Types: - Linear Data Structures - Stack (LIFO) - Queue (FIFO) - Non Linear Data Structures - Trees - Graph - Tabular Data Structures - Hash Table
Time and Space Complexity¶
Constant Time: O(1)¶
When there is no dependence on the input size n, an algorithm is said to have a constant time of order O(1).
The function above will require only one execution step whether the above array contains 1, 100 or 1000 elements. As a result, the function is in constant time with time complexity O(1).
Linear Time: O(n)¶
Linear time is achieved when the running time of an algorithm increases linearly with the length of the input. This means that when a function runs for or iterates over an input size of n, it is said to have a time complexity of order O(n).
def example_function(lst, size):
for i in range(size):
print("Element at index", i, " has value: ", lst[i])
The above function will take O(n) time (or “linear time”) to complete, where n is the number of entries in the array. The function will print 10 times if the given array has 10 entries, and 100 times if the array has 100 entries.
Note: Even if you iterate over half the array, the runtime still depends on the input size, so it will be considered O(n).
Logarithm Time: O(log n)¶
When the size of the input data decreases in each step by a certain factor, an algorithm will have logarithmic time complexity. This means as the input size grows, the number of operations that need to be executed grows comparatively much slower.
To better understand log n, let’s think of finding a word in a dictionary. If you want to find a word with the letter “p”, you can go through every alphabet and try finding the word, which is linear time O(n). Another route you can take is to open the book to the exact center page. If the word on the center page comes before “p”, you look for the word in the right half. Otherwise, you look in the left half. In this example, you are reducing your input size by half every time, so the number of operations you will need to perform significantly reduces compared to going through every letter. Thus you will have a time complexity of O(log (n)).
Example Binary search and finding the largest/smallest element in a binary tree are both examples of algorithms having logarithmic time complexity.
Binary search comprises searching an array for a specified value by splitting the array into two parts consistently and searching for the element in only one of the two parts. This ensures that the operation is not performed on every element of the input data.
def binarySearch(lst, x):
low = 0 high = len(lst)-1 # Repeat until the pointers low and high meet each other while low <= high:
mid = low + (high - low)//2 if lst[mid] == x:
return mid
elif lst[mid] < x:
low = mid + 1 else:
high = mid - 1 return -1
The Binary Search method takes a sorted list of elements and searches through it for the element x. This is how the algorithm works:
- Find the list’s midpoint.
- Compare the target to the middle.
- We’ve located our goal if our value and the target match.
- If our value is lesser than the target, we focus on the list with values ranging from the middle plus one to the highest.
- If our value is greater than the target, we focus on the list starting with the smallest value and ending with the midpoint minus one. Continue until we locate the target or till we reach the last element, which indicates that the element is not present in the list.
With every iteration, the size of our search list shrinks by half. Therefore traversing and finding an entry in the list takes O(log(n)) time.
Quadratic Time: O(n^2)¶
The performance of a quadratic time complexity algorithm is directly related to the squared size of the input data collection. You will encounter such time complexity in programs when you perform several iterations on data sets.
def quadratic_function(lst, size):
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
print("Iteration : " i, "Element of list at ", j, " is ", lst[j])
We have two nested loops in the example above. If the array has n items, the outer loop will execute n times, and the inner loop will execute n times for each iteration of the outer loop, resulting in n^2 prints. If the size of the array is 10, then the loop runs 10x10 times. So the function ten will print 100 times. As a result, this function will take O(n^2) time to complete.
Exponential Time: O(2^n)¶
With each addition to the input (n), the growth rate doubles, and the algorithm iterates across all subsets of the input elements. When an input unit is increased by one, the number of operations executed is doubled.
In the above example, we use recursion to calculate the Fibonacci sequence. The algorithm O(2^n) specifies a growth rate that doubles every time the input data set is added. An O(2^n) function’s exponential growth curve starts shallow and then rises rapidly.
Time Notation
Linked List¶
- The head and the tail elements have the pointer value
- Ease of insertion and deletion due to the fact that the list is linked using pointers of the next dataset. - Inserts/Deletes are
Constant Time Operations
. - Random Access of data are
Linear Time Operations
. - Anytime we need to have “fast” insertions and deletions, but random access is less important.
- Since the data is linked via pointers and separated across memory, it is slow to iterate through the whole list when needed. - Data is always stored in Heap. - If you are looking for a particular element in the list, the only possible option to reach that is go through every single element through the list due to lack of fixes position of the element. - You can only move in the forward direction when moving in the linked list.
Hash Table¶
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