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Braces {} for initialization

You can define a variable in 2 formats:

double d1 = 2.3;double d2{4.9};

The = form is traditional and dates back to C, but if in doubt, use the general {}-list forms. It saves you from a conversation that loses information.

int i1 = 7.8; // i1 becomes 7int i2 {7.8}; //error: floating point to integer conversion

Using {} detects conversion and forces you to correct the mistakes. It is a good step to stop mistakes.

Single Quotes as digit separators

To make long literals more readable for humans, we can use a single quote (’) as a digit separator. For example, π is about



Guide: std::for_each


for (<data_type> <variable_name>:<list_name>)    {        //Use <variable_name> for work    }

Another option is to use std::for_each(). It provides you with control over the indexes.
