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Function Overloading


Function overloading is a feature of C++ where you can have multiple functions with same name performing different functions or taking/returning different parameters. The compiler can choose which function to call based on the type of input provided to the function.


void print(int);    // Takes an Integer as input
void print(double); // Takes a floating-point as input
void print(string); // Takes a string as input
void user()
    print(42);      // calls print(int)
    print(9.65);    // calls print(double)
    print("Hello"); // calls print(string)

Ambiguous Nature

If two alternative functions could be called, but neither is better than the other, the called is deemed ambiguous and the compiler gives and error.

void print(double, int);
void print(int, double);
void user()
    print(0, 0); // error: ambiguous
