Table of Contents
Why do we need this?¶
Interpolation can help you construct values between two points based on available data. Common Use Case:
Sensor Data Fusion: Often Sensors operate at different frequency from each other, so the data you might try to collect might not match for a particular timestamp. You can use Interpolation to generate Data for the missing time stamp based on available data from previous records.
LERP: Linear Interpolation¶
Assume a situation with 2 vectors vi and vf as follows:
LERP is used when you want a linear interpolation from start to end. This is the shortest distance between the two points as shown:
Assume you want to find a point on this new vector vfi at some distance from vi which is denoted by Vector vs from the origin.
Time Version for LERP¶
Lerp(p0,p1;t) = (1−t)p0 + tp1
for t ∈ [0,1]
This works best in following situations:
The Interpolation is needed in a 3D or less Cartesian System where the interpolation is estimated to be a straight line.
The faster computation is essential over accuracy.
The data points are so close to each other that the ∂X can be approximated to a straight line.
SLERP: Spherical Linear Interpolation¶
Assume a situation with 2 vectors vi and vf on the surface of the sphere of unit distance from center of the sphere as follows:
SLERP is used when you want an interpolation along an arc between vf and vi. A hypothetical plane (Plane OFI) is constructed to image the motion that passes through the point on sphere for vi, vf and the origin of the sphere. We assume a vector vs along the arc on the same plane OFI.
Assume a slice from the plane as shown:
- Let the angle between vf and vi be θ.
- If we want to find a vector vs on the resultant arc, the angle of vs w.r.t. vi is sθ.
vs = αsvi + βsvf
If we take a closer look at the defined system, we have the understanding that the vectors are all of equal magnitude with a common origin. i.e. Vector vf and vector vs can be written in terms of a rotation matrix R and vi.
where: s ∈ [0,1]
Upon solving this based on the video attached in resources, the final result seems as follows:
Time Version for SLERP¶
where, θ = cos−1(p0⋅p1)
for t ∈ [0,1]
Time Version for Quaternion SLERP¶
Slerp(q0,q1;t) = (q1q0−1)tq0
for t ∈ [0,1]
This works best in following situations: - The Interpolation is needed in a 3D or less Polar System where the interpolation is estimated to be along a curve. - This process is computationally more intensive than LERP.